Victoria Property Management Strategies: Finding the best Millennial tenants
RHOME Property Management Victoria seeks out reliable Victoria rental tenants who pay rent on time, get along well with others, respect common areas and others’ personal property and space.
Professional property managers protect condominium and strata property value
Selecting the right professional property manager to manage a condominium and strata property is crucial if the property values, sales and reputation are to be protected and enhanced.
The complexities of professional Victoria strata property management
It is into this sometimes-complex environment that professional Victoria property management and strata management company Rhome Property Management Victoria steps.
Property inspections protect rental property value Part 1
The broken window theory is an academic concept that used broken windows as a metaphor for disorder. The theory links physical disorder to social disorder, incivility and decay. For our purpose, poorly maintained buildings lead to poorly performing property.
Property inspections protect rental property value Part 2
The broken window theory is an academic concept that used broken windows as a metaphor for disorder. The theory links physical disorder to social disorder, incivility and decay. For our purpose, poorly maintained buildings lead to poorly performing property.
Protecting Properties Through Tenant Screening Part 3
Owning rental property can be profitable and rewarding. However, the potential pitfalls and dangers are numerous, any one of which could turn a profitable, pleasant enterprise into a dark, bank-account-draining nightmare.
Protecting Properties Through Tenant Screening Part 2
A rental property is only as profitable and viable as the quality of the tenants inhabiting the space.
It is essential that tenants pay rent on time and observe and conform to the rules in the lease or rental agreement.
Protecting Properties Through Tenant Screening Part 1
Owning rental property can be profitable and rewarding. However, the potential pitfalls and dangers are numerous, any one of which could turn a profitable, pleasant enterprise into a dark, bank-account-draining nightmare.
The benefits of additional living expenses, loss-of-use tenant insurance coverage Part 3
Tenant insurance covers a lot perils and can make for a much more peaceful and pleasant building.
However, while a landlord cannot force a renter to purchase insurance, they can educate and inform tenants about the benefits and relatively small cost such a policy can offer, especially in the area of loss-of-use coverage.
The benefits of tenant insurance, liability and accident coverage Part 2
Tenant insurance covers a lot perils and can make for a much more peaceful and pleasant building.
However, while a landlord cannot force a renter to purchase insurance, they can educate and inform tenants about the benefits and relatively small cost such a policy can offer, especially in the often-forgotten area of liability coverage.
The benefits of tenant insurance Part 1
A tenant with content and liability insurance can make life and work much less stressful and a rental property much more stable. However, while a RHOME Property Management Victoria professional property manager or landlord cannot force a renter to purchase contents insurance, they can educate and inform tenants about the benefits and relatively small cost such a policy can offer.
Property management challenges and how to deal with them Part 3
In part three of three articles, RHOME Property Management-Victoria will look at some common issues surrounding troublesome tenants, and how to address them in a professional manner.