Protect Your Investment, Tenants and Rental Property

Preventing drama, conflict and litigation starts with managing expectations and clearly articulating responsibilities and obligations.

RHOME Property Management-Victoria Property Management Victoria. is a Victoria, B.C.-based professional property management firm. Focusing on best practices and understanding the unique relationship that exists between tenants and landlords; commercial clients and proprietors; strata members, corporations and the many fiduciary, maintenance and repair responsibilities, RHOME Property Management-Victoria Property Management Victoria is pleased to offer this “best practices” guide on discussing and dealing with the myriad issues which may impact a rental, commercial or strata property.

Check back often for new topics and discussions which will include:

  • Managing tenant expectations
  • Dealing with crisis
  • Roles, rules and obligations
  • Repairs and maintenance
  • Helping tenants help themselves
  • Communications
  • Tenant screening to benefit the landlord and other tenants
  • Selecting a Strata/Condominium Agent

The goal is to speak to landlord, tenant and strata members and corporations and provide information and clarity on the many day-to-day issues professional property management firms such as RHOME Property Management-Victoria Property Management Victoria deal with.

The benefits of tenant insurance, liability and accident coverage Part 2 Tag: Insurance

Tenant insurance covers a lot perils and can make for a much more peaceful and pleasant building.

However, while a landlord cannot force a renter to purchase insurance, they can educate and inform tenants about the benefits and relatively small cost such a policy can offer, especially in the often-forgotten area of liability coverage.

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The benefits of tenant insurance Part 1 Tag: Insurance

A tenant with content and liability insurance can make life and work much less stressful and a rental property much more stable. However, while a RHOME Property Management Victoria professional property manager or landlord cannot force a renter to purchase contents insurance, they can educate and inform tenants about the benefits and relatively small cost such a policy can offer.

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